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Thodoris Stylianopoulos

I was born in Athens during the 80’s. My childhood was definitely the inspiration of what followed next –my “rock&gold” life.

Growing up downtown, I experienced the diversities and the beauty of living in a multi-cultural neighborhood. I soon realized that the world with its differences is an integral part of my existence and my art became the vehicle to depict all the thoughts and feelings. Hand-crafting jewels for me embodies how simple, different and valuable human life is and that’s the reason that each of my piece has a unique story to say.

At present, I keep my atelier at the center of Athens, so I still have the chance to continue observing and feeling the city vibes, thus exploring and developing my art identity. Along with my creations, I have next to me my wife and my two lovely daughters- my three muses- who inspire me daily to serve my art.

Thank you for visiting my shop and I hope you truly discover all the hidden stories that lie beneath on my collection.

Stavroula Koraki

I grew up in an area where the greenery and the trees were quietly disturbing the noises of the city. My neighborhood seemed to me a hidden treasure in the center of Athens that challenged you to walk it, to observe it, to know it, to love it.

Reaching adolescence I had loved every corner of my city so much that I began to wonder about the stories hidden beneath it. I studied archeology and art history and met a world so unique that wherever I looked, I saw art.

My interest in jewelry came later, when Theodoris came into my life. And a new journey began for me. I also found there what I was always looking for, art, creation. The creation of an idea, a plan, an emotion. Jewelry is never a piece of metal for me. It is what will enclose in it, the love, the memory, the joy, the sorrow, the celebration, the taste of the person who will ask for it and will buy it. With this guide I continue my journey and smile.


In Plaka, where antiquity meets the modern world, Talu Rock n’ Gold comes to claim a place in handmade gold jewelry. In Ipitou, a small pedestrian street in the heart of Athens, we found what we were looking for to finally introduce ourselves to the world. A place to host our jewelry workshop and to present our creations.

Talu rock n‘ Gold is not a common jewelry store. Maybe because it is mostly a “family affair”. Gold and precious and semi-precious stones are our materials, our passion for jewelry and our love for creation, our main tools.